The Moreno Valley Youth Village is a transformative initiative by SBX Youth and Family Services, dedicated to providing permanent supportive housing for Transitional Age Youth (TAY) aged 18-24 who are experiencing homelessness. Recognizing the critical need for stable housing, this project offers a safe and nurturing environment for young adults to rebuild their lives. Located on a sprawling 4-acre property, the Youth Village includes renovated homes with comprehensive support services tailored to meet the unique needs of each resident. Our mission is to empower these young individuals with the resources, skills, and community connections they need to achieve independence and success. The Moreno Valley Youth Village exemplifies our dedication to ending youth homelessness and creating a brighter future for young adults.
Empowering Youth Through Stable Housing Solutions
Rooms are available for lease. Please contact us for current availability. We offer tenants one-year lease agreements with the opportunity for renewal.

Comprehensive Support for Sustainable Living

Providing resources and guidance to help individuals achieve long-term stability and well-being.
Building Foundations for Future Success

Empowering individuals with the tools and support needed to create a strong and sustainable path toward long-term achievement.
Qualifying requirements
TAY Youth 18-24 years old or famiiles with children.
Must be at or below 30% (AMI) area median income for Riverside County.
Complete Application
Background check is required. This done through the online application.
Eligible for PSH Program
Must be eligible for Permanent Supportive Housing Program. Must be homeless or at risk of homelessness. Must have a verifiable and documented disability as defined by HUD.
Application Process
There is not an open application process for the units at the Moreno Valley Youth Village. No waiting list is being established. The 12 units available are part of the Riverside County CoC Coordinated Entry System (CES) process, which serves as Riverside County's federally compliant HMIS system. Individuals and families referred to vacancies through CES have been prioritized via an assessment administered by CES Access Points. TAY Youth (18-24) and families with children who are prioritized for housing meet the definition of homelessness as defined by HUD. Factors that prioritization for housing are vulnerability, chronicity of homelessness, and barriers to housing.